Thursday 2 February 2017

A2 Social Inequality - How Privatisation Increases Inequality

In The Public Interest (ITPI) is a research and policy center focused on privatisation and responsible contracting. Back in September 2016 it released a report on 'How privatization increases inequality'. The report raises genuine concerns about how privatisation increases inequality by causing fees to go up at the same time as causing wages to go down, thus widening social exclusion, The report breaks its findings down into five main sections:

  1. Creation of new user fees
  2. Increase in existing user fees
  3. Privatisation of the social safety net
  4. Decreased wages and benefits
  5. Increased socioeconomic and racial segregation

You can read about it here and you can download the report here.

AS Families and Households - How Trump shapes the position of women in societies around the world

This piece on the Huffington Post is relevant to studying the AS Families & Households unit: how policy is being used by Trump to shape the position of women in society. The question is, does it affect women in American society, or only women in the foreign countries that this aid is being withdrawn from?